Sunday, June 23, 2013

BFD (Baby Fat Day)

Donna peels the vinyl graphics from the
side of Baby Fat.
     So; yesterday was a Baby Fat Day as we completed some major work on our girl.  It's a step at a time, but we peeled all the prior graphics off the body and we secured a generator to the rear bumper.  Donna took measurements inside and out.  She has started the design work for the new My Big Fat Cookie graphics that will go on little BF and those inside measurements will help her create the inside layout of equipment, storage and prep area.
 We're both excited and it was a good day.  Today we'll take the little girl to an RV truck wash and spray her down and put her away for another week. 
     When did I get so old?  At 53 I swear sometimes I feel like I'm 83.  The day was full of stooping, bending, reaching and crawling around as we went about our modifications to Baby Fat.  It was a very hot day, and by the time we were finished I was ready for a shower and a nap.  Between my back, my knees, my hips, my neck and my shoulders, I don't know which part  of my body hurts the most. 
That's me in 1984 in an
apparent but feeble attempt
to look like Tony Orlando
     In 1984 (The year Baby Fat went into service for FedEx) I was 6 feet tall (still am) had a 32 inch waist, (that's gone) weighed 170lbs (yeah, right) and while I have never been athletic, I could bend, stretch, twist, turn, lift, swivel, crawl, climb, crouch, and contort without suffering a single side effect.  Now? Some days it hurts when I bend over and tie my shoes. 
     Donna is an absolute trooper.  She peeled all the vinyl graphics off of Baby Fat, (no easy task) and helped me lift the generator onto the bumper platform.  She prepared lunch for the two of us, and was still going strong when I hit the rack for my nap.  
Donna smashed her thumb as we lifted
the generator onto the platform.  We
secured it with four chains, four padlocks
and four u-bolts.

     I know I'm not that old, but it is surprising how age seems to creep up on a fella when he least expects it.  We still have a lot of work to do, so later today I'll load up on Aspercreme, Advil and ace bandages.  Because Donna has strict uniform requirements I have assured her that I will make sure my bandages are white. . . . .
Baby Fat, with her new power plant and stripped of her
old graphic design.


Gizmo about a week before she left us. . . .
    There were two deaths this week which I feel must be recognized and memorialized here in our My Big Fat Cookie blog.  In our first post I mentioned that one of the purposes of this blog is to chronicle our journey as Donna and I start a new chapter in our lives.  Part of that journey; that chapter, goes beyond the business we are hoping to start and includes our life and family events along the way.  I hope you will indulge me as I caption these certain moments, for they are as much a part of the "journey" as baking, cookies, and trucks .
     Last Sunday, June 16, we lost one of our beloved pets.  Gizmo; our Chihuahua passed away in her sleep.  She was 15 years old, and an important part of our family.  I didn't much care for her as a pet, due to an aversion I have to small, squeaky dogs.  she was however, part of our family and her importance and status were founded in her history with us.  Gizmo was a birthday gift for our youngest son, Jake when he turned 8.  This little dog started out with the name Velcro because when we first brought her home, her little puppy nails got caught in the carpet and froze her in place.  As a puppy she didn't have the strength to free herself, and when we pulled her free the sound was similar to that of pulling Velcro strips apart.  We soon changed her name from Velcro to Gizmo, because "Velcro" is trademarked and we didn't want any trouble from the 3M company.  We thought about "Hook and Loop" and decided that was too large of a name for such a small dog.  Gizmo was a more fitting name anyway and we were carful not to get her wet and we never fed her after midnight.  In a family comprised of two Ferrets, two Basset hounds and a cat, Little Giz sometimes got lost in the shuffle, but she was a good sport and she always seemed to find her niche.  Even though she was small and squeaky, I will miss her. 
     On Tuesday June 19 the world lost one of the best actors to come our way in a long time.  As I'm sure you know James Gandolfini passed away.  He was 51 years old, and he died way too soon.  It is a shame when life ends this abruptly.  You know he had some unfinished business, and how much more; I wonder, could he have shown us. . . . . .  we will never know.  

Do you need a Big Fat Cookie?



1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Gizmo. Love the blog…
